Cliphist 2


The application was inspired by the clipboard support of the Borland IDE's (Turbo Pascal, Turbo C++) in the 1980ies. The original app-lication was implemented natively for OS/2 in the year 1994. Later (in the year 2001) the application was ported to Windows XP.

In 2009 I decided to port the application to Mac OS X which meant a complete rewrite of the application. For this task the cross platform toolkit Qt was used and therefore the application is now available for all platforms supported by Qt (Mac, Windows and Linux). The binary for OS/2 was created by Elbert Pol.

Cliphist2 is open source software and is released under the GPL and the source can be found on Github.

For feedback and questions about this project visit this page.

Cliphist2 is an application to show the history of the text content of the clipboard in a list. The entries in the list can be modified (add, edit, delete) and selected as actual clipboard content.